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Boy Bawang Boy Bawang Lechon Manok-100g


Brand: Boy Bawang Boy Bawang Lechon Manok
Net weight: 100g

Product of the Philippines.

Boy Bawang Lechon Manok flavor offers a taste that is inspired by the traditional Filipino dish called "lechon manok," which translates to "roast chicken." Here's a description of the taste of Boy Bawang Lechon Manok flavor:

Roasted chicken flavor: The Lechon Manok flavor aims to capture the taste of succulent and flavorful roasted chicken. It incorporates a blend of spices and seasonings that are reminiscent of the herbs and spices commonly used in lechon manok preparation.

Savory and aromatic: This flavor profile is characterized by savory and aromatic notes. It combines the flavors of roasted meat, herbs, and spices to create a distinctive taste experience.

Rich and meaty: Boy Bawang Lechon Manok flavor aims to mimic the rich and meaty taste of roasted chicken. The seasoning blend used in the cornick imparts a depth of flavor that is reminiscent of enjoying a bite of well-seasoned roast chick

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