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Mi Chun Lye Water Lihiya- 500ml


Brand: Mee Chun

Quantity: 500ml

Product of Hong Kong

Lye water, also known as sodium hydroxide solution, is a strong alkaline solution that has various uses in different industries and applications. Here are some common uses of lye water:

Soap Making:

Lye water is a key ingredient in the process of making soap. When combined with fats or oils, a chemical reaction called saponification occurs, resulting in the formation of soap.
Food Preparation:

Lye water is used in certain traditional culinary practices. For example, it is used in the preparation of some Asian dishes, such as Chinese century eggs and pretzels. However, it's important to note that food-grade lye is used in these cases, and caution is necessary due to its corrosive nature.

In baking, lye water is sometimes used in the preparation of pretzels. It gives pretzels their characteristic brown and glossy crust.
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