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  4. Taro Gabi White Rootcrops- 500g

Taro Gabi White Rootcrops- 500g


Small white taro, also known as "gabi" in Filipino, is a root vegetable that is commonly used in Filipino cuisine. Here are some common uses of gabi in Filipino dishes:

Stews: Gabi is often used as a thickener in stews and soups, such as sinigang and tinola. The gabi is cooked until tender and then mashed to create a thick, creamy consistency.

Chips: Thinly sliced gabi can be deep-fried to create crispy, crunchy chips that are similar in texture to potato chips.

Snacks: Gabi can be boiled or roasted and then seasoned with salt or other spices to create a simple, flavorful snack.

Side dishes: Gabi can be boiled or steamed and then served as a side dish, similar to potatoes or other root vegetables.

Kakanin: Gabi can also be used to make kakanin or Filipino rice cakes, such as bibingka and puto. The gabi is grated and mixed with rice flour, coconut milk, and other ingredients, then steamed or baked to create a sweet, sticky cake.

Overall, gabi is a versatile ingredient in Filipino

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